Ethos Tracking: Why now?

Ethos Tracking: Why now?

By: Emily Kane Miller

#1) Organizations leaders are ready for it: There are corporations and corporate leaders with altruistic goals, truly looking to make lasting, impactful, dynamic change in society. They have real dollars to put on the table. Still, it’s hard to know how to be effective. This software supports effective, responsive social impact work for the data and heart driven alike. 

#2) Walking the walk is necessary to stay competitive, and current solutions don’t do the job: Whether it’s customers, current employees, your talent pipeline or investors – social impact is top of mind. But what isn’t tracked is hard to manage and amplify. Current tracking solutions are imperfect and expensive. This doesn’t have to be the case. 

#3) Cost shuts out a good portion of the market: Social Impact companies are on the rise. While doing good is baked-in, many have not yet achieved high budget social impact portfolios, making it hard to justify the costs of the best-known grant tracking tools. Even so, these tools are expensive usually for their employee engagement functionality, a component that many earlier stage social impact portfolios don’t need. 

#4) The world needs fixing: The old model of corporate philanthropy is out. Today’s corporate leaders are focused anew on alleviating some of the globe’s biggest challenges. Often that involves pulling various levers to implement real value, not only cutting checks to nonprofits. This new model needs a new software to ensure the work is reviewed holistically, and leaders have a real snapshot to review social impact activity, determine best-efforts, and pivot accordingly. 

#5) Ethos Giving’s uniquely suited for this work: Ethos Giving Founder, Emily Kane Miller’s background spans the corporate, governmental, and the nonprofit sectors. A lawyer by training, she’s spent the last decade putting together deals for the betterment of society with philanthropy, business, government, and local lay leaders all at the table. Equal parts head and heart, Emily helps her clients ambitious work accomplished, using all of the levers at their disposal. Now, she’s building Ethos Tracking to help them stay focused, organized, and excellent.

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